
Distributed and Web Programming at the University of Southern Denmark.
Distributed Systems at the University of Southern Denmark.
Object-Oriented Programming at the University of Southern Denmark.
Introduction to Programming at the University of Southern Denmark.
Scientific Programming at the University of Southern Denmark.
Distributed Systems at the University of Southern Denmark.
Introduction to Programming at the University of Southern Denmark.
Scientific Programming at the University of Southern Denmark.
Distributed Systems at the University of Southern Denmark.
Introduction to Programming at the University of Southern Denmark.
Logics for Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark.
Concurrency Theory at the University of Southern Denmark.
Advanced Topics in Concurrent Systems at the University of Southern Denmark.
Algorithms and Probability at the University of Southern Denmark.
Concurrency Theory at the University of Southern Denmark.
Concurrency Theory at the University of Udine.
Distributed Systems at the University of Udine.
Concurrency Theory at the University of Udine.
Distributed Systems at the University of Udine.
Concurrency Theory at the University of Udine.
Distributed Systems at the University of Udine.

Theses and projects

I am particularly interested in formal methods, programming languages, models, and tools for distributed and concurrent systems.

Below are some theses I (co)supervised.

Plesner, J.B. 2024. Technology-agnostic APIs for Microservices. M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Andersen, T.L. and Kløvedal, V.S. 2024. A protocol for smartphone networks. M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Zeppelin, L. 2023. Structural Operational Semantics for Fuzzy Tranaction Systems. M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, Hamburg University, Germany.
Bonnasen, T. and Yousaf, F. 2023. Safe-by-design distributed systems from Declarative DCR Choreographies using Jolie. M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark.
Ovcina, E. 2023. A tool for eliciting patterns in microservice architectures written in Jolie. M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Bergstedt, K. 2023. A static type system for a service-oriented programming language. M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Schmidt, K.K. 2023. A learning environment for distributed graph algorithms. M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Nissen, A.K. 2022. Information Flow Analysis of Choreographic Programs. M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Poulsen, A.L. 2022. A dynamic webserver for microservice-aware web applications. M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Andersen, J. 2021. Inferring communications in coordination protocols. M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Jørgensen, M.K. and Stribley, A.H.K. 2021. Formal verification of the Chord protocol with TLA+. B.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark.
Mansutti, A. 2015. Loose simulations: definition, applications and computation ("Le simulazioni lasche: definizione, applicazioni e computazione"). M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy.
Toneguzzo, A. 2014. Composable open memory transactions: formal semantics and implementation in Haskell ("Memorie transazionali aperte componibili: semantica formale e implementazione in Haskell"). M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy.
Mineo, F. 2012. Reification of generic types in Java 7 ("Reificazione dei tipi generici in Java 7"). M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy.
Romanelli, M. 2012. Formal verification of the WebID authentication protocol using ProVerif ("Verifica formale del protocollo di autenticazione WebID in ProVerif"). M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy.
Mansutti, A. 2012. Bigraphs as ontologies for agent oriented programming ("Bigrafi come ontologie per la programmazione orientata agli agenti"). M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy.